Tuesday 1 November 2011


God is Good: A MEANINGFUL LIFE: Work on Purpose With millennials joining the workforce, a growing number of young people are motivated to use their careers as a vehicle ...


Work on Purpose

With millennials joining the workforce, a growing number of young people are motivated to use their careers as a vehicle to change our world. Yet, many don’t know how or where to start. Few resources and compelling frameworks exist to help guide the largest generation in history—over 1 billion strong—to develop life-career paths with purpose.

For many, college is a time of freedom. For the first time you are staying away from your parents, you can eat what you want, spend your money in whatever way you want and pretty much use your time however you want. Living without parental supervision for the first time is a rush. Many incoming freshman are ecstatic about the prospects of living without daily restrictions. Sometimes there is a little too much freedom. If you are a lucky kid, your parents taught you a very great skill that not only makes your college experience fulfilling, but helps you build wealth throughout your life – self control. The sooner you learn this fine art of delayed gratification, the sooner you will be on your way to riches. If not, life will teach you this skill but it will take you much longer time to patch up the damage that has already been done.

Learn self control with spending
A LOT of students graduate with debt. It is not just student debt, most of them have consumer debt too. It is too easy to purchase an item on credit the minute you want. But at that time if you don’t show self control and don’t actually wait until you have actually saved up the money, you will be paying for that item for a very long time. Learn to budget and stick to it. If you don't have the money you can't go out and buy the latest cool gizmo. It sucks, but many things in life do. Remember that happiness does not equate to just owning material possessions. The earlier you understand that, the lower the chances you have of getting into serious financial ruin.